
Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year

Happy New Year to All!  I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Ours was wonderful!  I made this card to send my daughter and her husband that are in Afghanistan.  They loved it!   I didn't get around (I can't believe it) to sending out Christmas cards to anyone else this year.  That is so not like me, but it happened.  Every time I checked my mail and received another Christmas card, it made my stomach turn, I felt so guilty.  Then I asked myself, why do we do that to ourselves?  Does anyone really pay attention to the fact that they did not get a Christmas card from everyone they sent one to?  You think?  Anyways, one of my new year resolutions is, to GET OVER IT!  Life happens :)

So it's a New Year and with a New Year, comes New Goals and New Year Resolutions!  I thought I would throw mine out here!  What does the New Year have in store for you?

2014 Goals

1. Work on giving it ALL to the Lord! Live with fearless faith!
2. Get over the fact, I can't always get everything I want to do done! (as in sending Christmas Cards)  Lol
3. Focus on my health
4. Focus on my home & family
5. Do more for others (whether it's something big or small, just do more)
6.Focus on my passion, photography

Leaving you with number 5, I will be starting the Project 365 as one of my goals.  If you don't don't what that is, it's simply taking a picture everyday and posting it.  I am hoping this will inspire me to shoot more and improve my photography skills.  I hope you will enjoy this journey with me.  You can click on the button above to find out more.

Now to start taking down my Christmas decorations!

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  1. Happy New Year to you all Kahra! I'm so glad I found your blog through the 365 project. Looking forward to reading your next posts. Have a lovely day :-)

  2. Thank you @Rachel! Happy New Year to you too!
