
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Vintage Fall

Happy fall ya'll!  I am enjoying this fall weather so much!  I have been trying to make myself stay inside and do some housework, even though that's not working out to well. But what can I say? I'm just not the type of person that can stay inside when we are blessed with a beautiful day!  Can you blame me?  Well, I have managed to spend a little time trying to add some fall fluff to nest.  Of course I'm going to mix a little vintage in with anything I do, so here I have a simple white pumpkin made out of a vintage chenille bedspread layered on some old vintage flea marked find books! I just love the white and rustic look together!  I have decided that not everything has to be orange to celebrate fall! Lol!  Actually I have most my orange outside!  Pumpkins galore! Yikes!

Happy Fall!
Blessings Always

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pups & Pumpkins

I love fall!  I spent the entire day yesterday dragging at all my fall goodies to start decorating!  There's just something about the chill in the air, the smell of pumpkin spice and the leaves starting to fall one by one!  

I love pumpkins!  I usually always get several orange and several white ones to incorporate into my decorating, more pics to follow.  If I haven't mentioned that I get side tracked easily, well I do.  In the middle of my decorating dance yesterday, I caught the most beautiful light coming in from my downstairs french doors.  Well that only means, it's camera time!  Yep, the pups got their portraits taken with the great white pumpkin!  Not sure they were as excited as I was, but they did what they had to do. Not the best quality photos, but hey! These models are on a time schedule!  They don't sit for long!

Blessings as always

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Wisdom Tooth & Treasure Hunting

Last week I had a wisdom tooth removed.  Yes, that's right, a week before my 50th birthday, one of my wisdom teeth decided to make an entrance!  Just like that!  It just popped right through the old gum! The Oral Surgeon said that sucker had to go.  So last weekend was more or less a blur, you know the routine, rest, meds, gargle with salt water, rest, meds and gargle some more.  Ugh! Anyway, I was not planning on going out on any treasure hunts like I usually do.

But one thing led to another and Saturday morning led us to a small flea market on the side of the road, while on the way to the store.  Of course, I thought it wouldn't hurt just to get out and look?  Right?  We weren't there 5 minutes when this little man caught my eye.  I did not need a typewriter, was not looking for a typewriter, had no where to put a typewriter.  That thought quickly left, so I scurried over to take a look at him.  I could not help but drool over his physical appearance!  I decided I had to have him, only if the price was right!  That means dirt cheap to me!  The gent looked at me and told me I could have him for $30 bucks.  I knew in my mind that I didn't want to pay over $10 for him and knew he would not go down to my price.  So I said no thanks, turned and moved on.  I knew I didn't really need him anyway?  Right?  Well, as I was walking off, the gent yelled at me and said make me an offer!  I couldn't believe it, I turned around and with a questionable smile asked, would you take $10?  Can you guess what he said?  He said, IT'S YOURS!  Yippee!  Yeah!

The lesson learned in all this is, when your not looking and least expect it, that perfect treasure just might be waiting for you AT A GREAT PRICE!!! AND HE STILL WORKS!!!!

Blessings always,

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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fall & Fairs

Fall and fairs, they just go together, like peanut butter and jelly.

It's hard to believe summer has come and gone.  But with the days getting shorter and the nights getting cooler, I welcome fall, just like I welcomed the fair this year.  It was magical.

Happy fall ya'll & many blessings

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Potting Table

I'm in love with junk, all junk!  I love garage sales, estate sales and flea markets!  Nothing makes me happier than to find that perfect treasure!  I had been looking for a new table to serve as my potting table.  I have been looking for about a year.  I didn't want to spend a lot of money and wanted something that would hold up in outdoor weather.  So the hunt was on! I am the type of person that knows, just knows, that I'll find the right piece, if I just take my time and look.

So last weekend the rain was suppose to set in early morning.  My husband and I decided to take a long shot and head for the flea market to see if any vendors showed up.  When we arrived we were surprised that there was a good turnout.  We started up the first row and to my surprise the first booth had this magnificent industrial work bench sitting there with a large sign on it that said $12 bucks!  I nearly tripped trying to get over to the booth to tell him I would take it!  I couldn't believe it!  It was the perfect piece for an outdoor potting table!

When we got the piece home, to my surprise, my son had given me an old vintage window from under his basement he had found.  I measured the window and it was the exact same size as my potting table! No way! I cleaned up the table, put a few coats of clear coat on the wood, my husband attached my window for the back and BAM I had a perfect re-purposed potting table for $12 bucks!

Blessings as always

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Summers End

Summer is fastly fading away, take in as much as you can!  Have a blessed Friday!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Window Screen Take #1

Remember these?  Well one of them got a makeover this weekend!

I cleaned and scrubbed on this old girl until I got the crud off, only to reveal the nice chippy paint I so admire!  Not sure what I will do with the rest of the screens, but I needed something to hang over my nightstand in my bedroom.  So I decided to create this piece of wall art, it took all of 5 minutes.  I basically bought a hanger kit from home depot ($1.50) to hang it with, purchased three shabby looking door knobs from hobby lobby ($6.00), snatched up an old photo I had purchased at a garage sale ($1.00) and hung it with mini clothes pins (already had them). To top it off, I hung a string of crocheted hearts I had made earlier this year! I have to say I was very pleased with the end result!  I spent a total of $8.50 on this piece of wall art!

Have a blessed day and create!

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Catching up

Hope your having a wonderful Labor Day weekend so far!  I am trying to use my time wisely and play catch up on some long over due projects.  I shared my vintage time card holder with you earlier, but wanted to share a couple of other projects, I finally got finished!  Here I have taken an old wire lampshade that I purchased at a garage sale for $.50 and turned into a light for my outdoor gazebo.  I paid $8 for the vintage light bulb to use in it, that cost more than the whole light did to make!  Ha! BUT, I love the vintage glow it puts off in the evenings.  Next I took one (of many) of my vintage windows and turned it into a chalkboard piece of wall art to hang in my computer/bedroom.  I loved the way it turned out as well! I still have a long list of projects to get done, so stay tuned!  There is just something about taking something old and making it new again!

Have a blessed holiday weekend!

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