
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Stringing Beans

Do you ever wonder how you get yourself into certain messes?  Well, I tend to wonder that A LOT lately.  Especially when it comes to me buying fresh green beans, what was I thinking?  I can't even tell you the last time I sat down and willingly wanted to help string beans.  I don't think I ever willingly wanted to ever, BUT I can remember stringing beans when I was a little girl. Honestly, I didn't like it then either!  So to get myself into a mess like having to string a 1/2 a bushel of green beans is something else!

So the story goes something like this.  One of my co-workers had a bushel of green beans delivered to her office the other day.  To my amazement I overheard the man telling her that these were stringless green beans!  Wow!  Stringless green beans!  How cool is that! I thought how hard could it be to break stringless green beans and freeze them?  So with that thought, I told the man as he exited through my office to bring me some green beans next time he came my way!

So the next day my beans were delivered.  I was distracted by a phone call when the man arrived, so he left my beautiful green beans in my office and left a message with my co-worker.  When I hung up the phone, I could tell my co-worker had a unusual look on her face. So I glanced over at my beans.....they looked good to me! So I'm like what is it?  She gave me that, I feel sorry for you look and proceeded to tell me that the man's message was to tell me he was all out of stringless beans that he had left me White Half Runner Beans!  WHAT! I don't even know the difference between green beans!  I just knew these weren't stringless!  Yikes!  What did I get myself into?

Well, I'm fixing to find out.  I don't know how long it will take or how sore my fingers are going to get, but in the long run, I'm going to look on the bright side and look forward to some good tasting green beans!  White Half Runner Beans that is!!

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