From the time our kids are brought into this world, as mother's, we have been praying for them. I know I prayed for my three before I even gave birth to each one of them. I know we probably pray over a million prayers for our kids through out their lives. We probably can't even remember half the prayers we prayed over them. Then there are some prayers we have prayed over and over, from the time they were conceived until the present day. One of those prayers of mine has always been to protect them and keep them safe. Yes, all mother's I'm sure pray for their children's safety and protection. We pray over them when their small to heal their cuts and bruises, we pray over them as teenagers to protect them when they get their drivers license, we pray over them when they go off to serve our country, we PRAY FOR THEM, that's just what we do. BUT, then there comes a time when something happens and you realize that God has listened, that he really listened to every single one of your prayers. That time for me came this Monday.
I have been more than blessed with three healthy children. They are now grown adults and are very healthy. I can say that God has kept them safe and protected over the years. But this Monday, something happened that made me realize how powerful prayer really is. My oldest son that is 28 works as a laborer in a property sales department at a plant where we live. He has only been in this new position for a month. The job consists of moving and storing very heavy equipment, furniture, vehicles, etc. There are two laborers that perform work in this area. On Monday my son came down ill with a stomach virus while he was at work that morning. His supervisor sent him to the medical facility at work to be checked and they proceeded to send him home for the day. Meanwhile, they had sent another laborer to fill in for him that day, due to a busy schedule. Not even an hour after my son had been sent home sick and the laborer reported to fill in for him, there was a crucial accident. The two laborers proceeded to move a 1,500 pound piece of equipment down a ramp to load on a truck. During the process of moving the piece of equipment, the cart must have been jarred and due to it being top heavy, fell on the laborer that had come to fill in for my son. This man sustained two broken legs, broken thumb, cuts to his body, the list goes on. He was in surgery for hours! By the power of God, this man is expected to make it! There are several miracles that happened here! The first one was, God protected and kept my son safe! The second miracle was, this man is still alive! If the piece of equipment would have fell closer to his upper body, he might not have made it! I'm talking 1,500 pounds people! Even though this man sustained major injuries, it could have been so much worse! GOD answers prayers! He listens to each and every one! I praise God for keeping my son safe and I praise God for saving this man's life! I'm sure he has or had a mother that has been praying for his safety and protection too! If you can, please add this man to your prayer list! I pray that God blesses him with a speedy recovery!
Blessings always.