Be Amazing! BE AMAZING! Wow! How powerful are these words? What do you think? I'm here to tell you, they are very powerful! Every time I look at these words that I have written on my chalkboard wall, I get this surge of confidence! I get this boost of heavenly power, a stronger faith that overcomes any fear! It makes me feel AMAZING! The bible tells us "through GOD, ALL things are possible! With HIM we can overcome the crooked turns down our road, HE will make them straight for us. But while we are waiting on HIM to straighten our paths, sometimes we lose direction, self confidence and start feeling more negative towards ourselves. We all can fall into this. But when when we surround our lives with something positive, just like these few simple words, it can bring us back to where we need to be. We are strong, we are confident, we are AMAZING! God wants us to know that we are amazing to HIM! HE wants to bless us! It might not be in our time, but in HIS time, he will make our paths straight! So write some simple words down, someplace you can be reminded that you are special, that you are blessed and that you are amazing!