This is my little, my youngest, my last born, my baby. He is the youngest, he will be 24 this year.
This one has always been, all over the place. All over the map, as most people would say. He is full of energy, always has to be doing something, never still, always making people laugh, the list goes on. This one also has a heart of gold. He would give you the shirt off his back. To sum it up, he's pretty special. But being special does not mean being perfect. There is no such thing as perfect. Not in human eyes anyway, but I think God see's us as perfect. Each of us is His masterpiece.
My little let the teenage years consume him, as soon as he turned 18. We had always told all three of our children, once you turn 18, your an adult, you will be treated as an adult if you were ever to get into any trouble. We warned all three of them, please be careful, walk the right path, always keep moving forward.
A month after he turned 18, ONE MONTH, our little got in some trouble and was arrested. Someday I will go into details, but for now, he was arrested and taken to jail. We did what we thought was best and decided that tough love was the best way to go. He remained in jail for three months. One of the hardest things as a parent I have ever done.
Three months later, came his court date, then he was released, then he was sentenced to four years probation, since it was his first offense.
Four years is a long time. Four years of not making one mistake to violate your probation. You could violate your probation, by missing just one appointment. He could not even go out of the state, unless pre-approved a month in advance. It was a long four years. Four years of praying everyday that God would see him through this. I'm telling you it wasn't easy. He was still young, still trying to find his place in society, still growing into a young man. Four years is a LONG TIME.
Fast forward to today! TODAY was his last day of probation! Praise the Lord!!! I literally cried, when he text me and told me he had been released! What an accomplishment! God has seen him through this and is showing him what kind of man he can become!
For all of you mothers (and fathers) out there! Keep those prayers strong! It's just amazing to see how God works in their lives and molds them into the adults he wants them to be! Even though he made mistakes, in God's eyes, he is His masterpiece! He will never be done forming us into the masterpiece that He is creating us to be!
Today was a blessed day!
(P.S. God has also blessed him with the gift to paint. He is a talented house painter, like his dad)
Blessings Always