Last week I had a wisdom tooth removed. Yes, that's right, a week before my 50th birthday, one of my wisdom teeth decided to make an entrance! Just like that! It just popped right through the old gum! The Oral Surgeon said that sucker had to go. So last weekend was more or less a blur, you know the routine, rest, meds, gargle with salt water, rest, meds and gargle some more. Ugh! Anyway, I was not planning on going out on any treasure hunts like I usually do.
But one thing led to another and Saturday morning led us to a small flea market on the side of the road, while on the way to the store. Of course, I thought it wouldn't hurt just to get out and look? Right? We weren't there 5 minutes when this little man caught my eye. I did not need a typewriter, was not looking for a typewriter, had no where to put a typewriter. That thought quickly left, so I scurried over to take a look at him. I could not help but drool over his physical appearance! I decided I had to have him, only if the price was right! That means dirt cheap to me! The gent looked at me and told me I could have him for $30 bucks. I knew in my mind that I didn't want to pay over $10 for him and knew he would not go down to my price. So I said no thanks, turned and moved on. I knew I didn't really need him anyway? Right? Well, as I was walking off, the gent yelled at me and said make me an offer! I couldn't believe it, I turned around and with a questionable smile asked, would you take $10? Can you guess what he said? He said, IT'S YOURS! Yippee! Yeah!
The lesson learned in all this is, when your not looking and least expect it, that perfect treasure just might be waiting for you AT A GREAT PRICE!!! AND HE STILL WORKS!!!!
Blessings always,